Web Content Display (nt-conjectures-release)
Release Notes
Jan Krans, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2016–…
The Amsterdam Database of New Testament Conjectural Emendation is updated quarterly. In all updates, conjecture records are added, as well as history records, and citations. Remarks are corrected, expanded, or added. IDs of conjectures and other elements are not changed.
There is also a page with general information on the Amsterdam Database.
13. 8 October 2019 (2019–4)
Compared to the previous release (2019–3), 13 conjecture records were added (cj16691 to cj16703), together with 127 history records (s30267 to s30393). The total number of true conjectures is now 6298 (out of 6704 conjecture records); the total number of history records is 20393.
Noteworthy corrections and additions
A new feature is the inclusion of English translations of some select Latin citations. These can be found, as a service to the users, below the Latin text, and are of course not infallible or definitive (suggestions are welcomed at all times). At this stage, especially the many conjectures on Acts 2:9 received attention (e.g. Schmidius [cj10232]; Barthius [cj10230]; Mangey [cj11578]; Hemsterhuis according to Valckenaer [cj11899]; Baljon [cj10841]; Graevius according to Lotze [cj10233]; Blass [s12416] on Jerome’s Συρίαν [cj12187]; Heinrichs on diverse conjectures [s26953]; Verschuir [s30391] on Hemsterhuis’ conjecture).
Another new feature is the inclusion of references to conjecture or history records in the citation field, when the relevant citation can be found at another record. In such cases, the remarks also contain the referral.
For the conjecture on Matt 5:25–26 (cj15755), attributed to A. B. Bruce, an early author was found, namely P. A. Gratz.
12. 31 July 2019 (2019–3)
Compared to the previous release (2019–2), 8 conjecture records were added (cj16683 to cj16690), together with 114 history records (s30155 to s30266). The total number of true conjectures is now 6284 (out of 6690 conjecture records); the total number of history records is 20266.
Noteworthy corrections and additions
An interesting proposal was made by Karl Martin Fischer, who—trough conjectural emendation—would regard 1 Peter as a deutero-pauline epistle (cj16685).
11. 3 April 2019 (2019–2)
Compared to the previous release (2019–1), just 3 conjecture records were added (cj16679 to cj16681), but together with 139 history records (s30016 to s30154). The total number of true conjectures is now 6276 (out of 6682 conjecture records); the total number of history records is 20154.
Noteworthy corrections and additions
Acts 26:20 cj14391: an author slightly earlier than Sahlin (1982) has been found, namely Richard N. Longenecker (1981).
Thanks to the efforts of the PThU library, Amsterdam, we were able to add early opinions by Jewett on interpolations in the Pauline letters, as well as de Zwaan’s reception of Pallis’ conjectures on Romans. In general, the history of research on interpolations in 1 Corinthians has been updated, as well as the opinions on the famous case of Ἰουνίαν/Ἰουνιᾶν in Rom 16:7 (cj10310).
10. 7 January 2019 (2019–1)
Compared to the previous release (2018–4), 20 conjecture records were added (cj16659 to cj16678), together with 112 history records (s29904 to s30015). The total number of true conjectures is now 6275 (out of 6679 conjecture records); the total number of history records is 20015.
Noteworthy corrections and additions
For an important conjecture on 2 Pet 3:10 (cj10669), we can now cite the original letter sent by Hort, next to the note that was included in Westcott and Hort’s edition.
Several conjectures by van de Sande Bakhuyzen, Michelsen, and Grill have been added.
We were able to trace some of Bentley’s conjectures to their sources by consulting his hand editions in Cambridge (see e.g. cj12590 on Mark 9:20). In coming releases more information on Bentley’s many conjectures will be provided.
As usual, we express our thanks to colleagues who brought fresh information to our attention: Vincent van Altena; Peter Gurry; Tommy Wasserman.
9. 3 October 2018 (2018–4)
Compared to the previous release (2018–3), 67 conjecture records were added (cj16592 to cj16658), together with 483 history records (s29421 to s29903). The total number of true conjectures is now 6257 (out of 6659 conjecture records); the total number of history records is 19903.
In collaboration with Troy Griffitts, the functionality has been enhanced in the following ways (see also the page with General Information):
– citations, remarks etc. are better located on the screen, if needs be with a vertical scroll bar;
– history records can be referred to as well;
– when a link to a history record is clicked, the corresponding conjecture record will open in a new tab (or remain open in the same tab) and the history record will receive focus;
– authors and works can be referred to as well;
– hovering over the NA28 text will give the verse with the location where the conjecture occurs clearly marked; however some conjectures were made on a text different from NA28; in those cases the remarks provide more information.
The limitation to the length of the citations, mentioned for instalment no. 3, has also been removed (s11664; s12277; s14714; s15527; s17389; s28510; only the title of b4322 [at s23465] is still shortened).
Noteworthy corrections and additions
Several conjectures by Oskar Holtzmann, van de Sande Bakhuyzen, Blass, and Johannes Weiss have been added.
Some interesting punctuation proposals have been included, on Luke 23:43 (cj16613); John 2:4 (cj16636); John 9:3 (cj16632); 1 Cor 15:29 (cj16633); 1 Thess 2:14 (cj16650). Another interesting editorial alternative was found for Col 4:3 (cj16620).
Luke 6:1 cj12094: Delebecque’s conjecture is ἐν σαββάτῳ βίᾳ πορεύεσθαι for ἐν σαββάτῳ διαπορεύεσθαι, not ἐν σαββάτῳ βίᾳ διαπορεύεσθαι.
John 4:2 cj12034: an author slightly earlier than Wellhausen (1907) has been found, namely Paul Wilhelm Schmidt (1904).
John 5:2 cj16160: since the change (κολυμβήθρᾳ for κολυμβήθρα) only concerns a iota subscript, the proposal is now marked as an editorial alternative.
John 6:39 cj12037; John 6:40 cj12038; John 6:54 cj12040 are no longer marked as “Misunderstood.” They were so marked, because only Scholten was known as their author, and his views are source-critical. These conjectures are now attributed to Schmiedel, whose views are text-critical.
John 16:2 cj11535: Pearce’s conjecture is ἅμα, not ἄμα.
John 19:35 cj13909: an earlier author than Pallis (1926) has been found, namely Flowers (1921).
1 Cor 3:16–17 cj15688: an earlier author than Loisy (1933) has been found, namely van de Sande Bakhuyzen (1913).
Heb 2:9 cj14677 and cj15404: one of Schmiedel’s conjectures (cj14677) needed a small correction, so that it ended up being a reinvention of Johann Hess’ earlier conjecture (cj15404). The conjecture ID cj15404 has now been given to another conjecture (Matt 21:2 Blass).
Heb 11:11 cj11546: the editorial alternative αὐτῇ Σάρρᾳ for αὐτὴ Σάρρα presupposes a text in which the following στεῖρα is not read; this has now been made clear.
As usual, we express our thanks to colleagues who brought fresh information to our attention: Stephen Brown, Stephen C. Carlson, Peter Gurry, Peter M. Head, Alesja Lavrinoviča, John C. Poirier.
8. 1 July 2018 (2018–3)
Compared to the previous release (2018–2), 21 conjecture records were added (cj16571 to cj16591), together with 148 history records (s29273 to s29420). The total number of true conjectures is now 6195 (out of 6592 conjecture records); the total number of history records is 19420.
Noteworthy corrections and additions
Mark 13:10 cj16420: an earlier author than Zuntz (1984) has been found, namely Hauck (1931).
Acts 13:18 cj11639: an earlier author than Henri Hammond (1653) has been found, namely Casaubon (1610), followed by the KJV translators (in a marginal note); since in 1610 and 1611 the manuscript attestation (A02 etc.) was not yet known, the conjecture is no longer marked as misunderstood.
Rom 2:3 cj12732: an earlier author than Weisse (1866) has been found, namely Egbert Jan Greve (1794).
Rom 5:18 cj14303: an earlier author than Sahlin (1983) has been found, namely Greve (1794).
Rom 7:19–21 cj15525: an earlier author than Cramer (1893) has been found, namely Greve (1794).
Gal 1:18–20 cj15699: a slightly earlier author than Loisy )1933) has been found, namely Couchoud (1926).
Gal 3:1 cj12641: the correct form of Greve’s conjecture is ἐννόμῳ, not ἐν νομῷ.
Jude 4 cj13573: Henry Owen’s conjecture is not just to omit κύριον, but καὶ κύριον.
As usual, we express our thanks to colleagues who brought fresh information to our attention: Vincent van Altena, Stephen C. Carlson, Peter Head, Marco Rotman, Tommy Wasserman.
7. 7 April 2018 (2018–2)
Compared to the previous release (2018–1), 107 conjecture records were added (cj16464 to cj16570), together with 481 history records (s28792 to s29272). The total number of true conjectures is now 6173 (out of 6571 conjecture records); the total number of history records is 19272.
Noteworthy corrections and additions
The Bible de Jérusalem (English: Jerusalem Bible) contains a relatively high number of conjectures in its notes. This observation led us to explore the earliest French fascicules of the Bible de Jérusalem (1948–1953), which indeed yielded some fresh conjectures or support of known conjectures. More in particular Mollat’s conjectures on John betray a clear correlation with the work of Blass and Boismard, which as a consequence has received more attention as well, and will be studied more deeply for future instalments.
Some conjectures by Güting were added, pertaining to a pattern that detects more asyndeta in the Pauline epistles than the manuscripts contain (Rom 3:28 [cj16523]; Rom 11:13 [cj16512]; Rom 14:3 [cj16525]; Rom 15:20 [cj16519]; 1 Cor 7:34 [cj16524]; 1 Cor 8:7 [cj16526]; 1 Cor 8:11 [cj16537]; 2 Cor 5:8 [cj16520]; 2 Cor 12:15 [cj16521]; 2 Cor 13:5 [cj16522]).
Matt 2:5 cj11178: Jerome’s conjecture was previously listed for verse 1, where the same expression Βηθλέεμ τῆς Ἰουδαίας occurs, which the Remarks referring to verse 5. This solution has now been reversed.
Matt 6:28 cj14263: an author slightly earlier than Katz (1954) has been found, namely none other than Maas (1950). Since Katz does not refer to Maas, his contribution is now marked as “Reinvention.” Both critics improve upon an observation by Skeat on the reading in Codex Sinaiticus in a logical way, as would do, also independently, Sahlin (1982).
Matt 23:35 cj11258: the author to whom the conjecture was attributed, Henry Hammond, actually does not support it, but mentions it without giving a name of an author. Therefore it is now given as anonymous. Possibly an earlier source can still be found.
Mark 14:22 cj15919: the correct form of C. H. Turner’s conjecture is not ἔφαγον πάντες· καὶ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς but ἔφαγον ἐξ αὐτοῦ πάντες· καὶ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς.
Luke 18:7 cj14449: an earlier author than Sahlin (1982) has been found, namely Jülicher (1899). Interestingly, in a 1945 article Sahlin rejected the conjecture which he was to accept later.
Acts 19:14 cj26290: an earlier author than Shipley (1906) has been found, namely Blass (1895).
Rom 9:5 cj14648: an earlier author than Schlichting (1661) has been found, namely Grotius (1645).
1 Cor 10:11 cj16227 (Zuntz): Zuntz also omits δέ.
As usual, we express our thanks to colleagues who brought fresh information to our attention: Jeff Cate, Marco Rotman, and Frank Shaw.
6. 1 January 2018 (2018-1)
Compared to the previous release (2017-4), 36 conjecture records were added (cj16428 to cj16463), together with 344 history records (s28548 to s28791). The total number of true conjectures is now 6064 (out of 6463 conjecture records); the total number of history records is 18791.
An interesting new conjecture is cj16456 by Constantine Simonides. It concerns a reading he included in several of his forgeries which in reality expresses his conviction on what the Greek text in Matt 19:24 should be.
Noteworthy corrections and additions
Matt 24:36 cj11261: the conjecture is now marked as "misunderstood," since its author, Henry Owen, already appeals to manuscript attestation that he knows of.
Rom 6:19 cj14068: an earlier author than Moffatt (1913) has been identified, namely Wall (1730). This identification prevents the conjecture from being marked as misunderstood, which should have been done if Moffatt had remained the earliest author, since in his days the attestation of the omission in B03 was well known. Wall only refers to versional attestation (the Peshitta).
1 Cor 14:33-36 cj14070 (Moffatt): the conjecture was recorded incorrectly (though the citation makes clear what must be intended): the transposition is to after 1 Cor 14:40, not 1 Cor 13:40.
We express our thanks to colleagues who brought fresh information to our attention: Peter Gurry, Peter M. Head, Dora Panella, Marco Rotman, David Harold Warren, and Tommy Wasserman.
5. 1 October 2017 (2017-4)
Compared to the previous release (2017-3), 125 conjecture records were added (cj16303 to cj16427), together with 482 history records (s28066 to s28547). The total number of true conjectures is now 6030 (out of 6428 conjecture records); the total number of history records is 18547.
Many fresh conjectures are by Blass, but also conjectures by Zuntz, John Price, Mill, Kenneth E. Bailey, Johannes Weiss, Scheidweiler, Völter and some others were added. Noteworthy is also cj16367, as the most recent conjecture, published in 2017 by our colleague Peter-Ben Smit.
Noteworthy corrections and additions
Matt 9:12 cj11309: the conjecture was previously marked as misunderstood since the authors indicated by Bowyer (Heinsius and Grotius) could not be confirmed. The true author has now been identified, namely Samuel Clarke; hence the conjecture is no longer marked as misunderstood.
Mark 9:12 cj13009: a slightly earlier author than Pallis (1932) has been found, namely Bultmann (1931).
Luke 8:9 cj11389: the question of authorship has been resolved. It concerns a conditional conjecture (if λέγοντες is maintained, then the text should be emended) by Beza, repeated by Lucas Brugensis and John Price.
Luke 8:36 cj15288: an earlier author than Griesbach (1776) has been found, namely Mill (1707).
John 21:12 cj12005: an earlier author than Semler (1772) has been found, namely Mill (1707).
Acts 8:10 cj14497: an earlier author than Michelsen (1881) has been found, namely Mill (1707).
Acts 9:28 cj12015 (van de Sande Bakhuyzen): the conjecture was previously listed as attested by min. 1837 (following information from CNTTS), but it transpires (from CNTTS as well as ECM) that it omits the entire verse and should therefore not be counted as attestation for this short omission only.
Acts 13:33 cj10092 (Friedrich August Bornemann): for this conjecture, which has been adopted in the recently published ECM volume, the reception history has been much expanded.
Acts 19:40 cj15121: for Pervo’s opinion (2009) that the verse contains a primitive corruption, Pervo himself indicates that Ropes (1926) already expressed the idea. Pervo’s opinion is now listed as "Pro."
Acts 28:1 cj14697: an earlier author than Michelsen (1881) has been found, namely Mill (1707).
1 Tim 6:5 cj13390: an earlier author than Naber (1878) has been found, namely John Price (1660).
Titus 2:5 cj13402 (John Price): the conjecture should be listed as a substitution, not an addition.
Jas 3:6 cj15284: for this editorial alternative an earlier author than Friedrich Ludwig Abresch (1786) has been found, namely Heinsius (1639) (as well as Grotius [1645]).
Rev 1:7 cj11016 (John Price): the correct form of the conjecture is ἐπ’ αὐτοῦ, not ὑπ’ αὐτοῦ, as incorrectly reported by Bowyer.
4. 1 July 2017 (2017-3)
Compared to the previous release (2017-2), 41 conjecture records were added (cj16262 to cj16302), together with 258 history records (s27808 to s28065). The total number of true conjectures is now 5905, out of 6302 conjecture records; the total number of history records is 18066.
Many fresh conjectures derive from Blass’ work on Matthew’s gospel. A few others were found as well, e.g. by Patricius Junius and John Price. Information from Griesbach’s second edition (b2834 and b1673) was added.
Many citations were added, also to existing records, notably citations by Zachary Pearce (contributed by An-Ting Yi).
Noteworthy corrections
Acts 9:7 cj11625 (Valla): μηδενός has been changed into μηδένα, as this is the form in which the conjecture has been exclusively transmitted. Still, as Valla does not give the Greek, a case can be made that he intended μηδενός.
3. 3 April 2017 (2017-2)
Compared to the previous release (2017-1), 126 conjecture records were added (cj16136 to cj16261), together with 378 history records (s27430 to s27807).
Most newly found conjectures are by Henri Bois, Johann Christoph Vollgraff, and Friedrich Blass. The total number of true conjectures is now 5864; the total number of history records is 17808.
Numerous citations were added, notably by Pallis, Semler, Bois, and Holwerda.
Technical note
Due to limited Field Lengths, some citations and one book title have been shortened; the full citations will be made available in a later release (s11664; s12277; s14714; s15527; s15903; s17389; s28510; b4322 [at s23465]).
Noteworthy corrections
Mark 6:56 cj12998 (Pallis): the conjecture is ἀγυιαῖς, not ἀγνυαῖς.
1 Cor 1:2 cj15289 (Semler): the conjecture is not the omission of ἡγιασμένοις ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ, but of τῇ οὔσῃ ἐν Κορίνθῳ.
1 Cor 1:21 cj14337: an earlier author was found (Henri Bois [1887]), so that Sahlin’s discussion (1983) is now marked as "Reinvention."
1 Cor 3:17 cj13073 (Semler): the conjecture does not include the omission of οἵτινές ἐστε ὑμεῖς (as Jodocus Heringa incorrectly indicates).
Jas 2:1 cj14544 (de Hoop Scheffer): this conjecture was found to be incorrect. De Hoop Scheffer’s proposal actually coincides with Spitta’s proposal (cj12801). Therefore the two records have been merged (into cj12801), and the ID cj14544 has been given to another freshly found conjecture, namely Henri Bois’ second proposal on 1 Tim 2:6. As a consequence, s19065 and s24509 had to be reused as well.
2. 3 January 2017 (2017-1)
Compared to the initial release (2016), 23 conjecture records were added (cj16113 to cj16135), as well as 73 history records (s27357 to s27429). The total number of true conjectures is now 5741, out of 6135 conjecture records; the total number of history records is 17430.
Many citations were added, notably by Sahlin and Könnecke.
Noteworthy corrections
John 19:11 cj15286 (Semler): the conjecture is the omission of ἄνωθεν (word 30), not με (word 40).
Rom 2:2 cj14296 (Sahlin): the proposal also includes the omission of δέ (or γάρ); therefore it is no longer an editorial alternative, but a conjecture.
1 Cor 4:1 cj14340 (Sahlin): the conjecture also includes the substitution for the plural forms ὑπηρέτας and οἰκονόμους by the singular forms ὑπηρέτης and οἰκονόμος.
2 Cor 1:10 cj14330 (Sahlin): the correct conjecture is εἰς ὃν ἠλπίκαμεν ὅτι καὶ ῥύσεται.
Heb 11:37 cj13431 (Wakefield): Wakefield conjectures ἐπειρώθησαν, not ἐπειράθησαν.
Rev 19:9-10 cj15259 (Charles): Charles’ proposal is now listed as reinvention of Könnecke’s conjecture cj12134. The latter was previously only on Rev 19:10, but on closer scrutiny turned out to be actually identical to Charles’ one, and earlier than it. The original cj number (cj15259) has now been given to another (freshly found) conjecture, namely Könnecke’s tentative omission of Rev 22:13.
1. 30 November 2016 (2016)
This is the first official release, at the occasion of the SBL annual meeting in San Antonio, TX, with various corrections and additions compared to the pre-release version, online since 23 September 2016, but which need not to be listed here.
The database now contains 6113 conjecture records; because of editorial alternatives and cases of misunderstood conjectures, the total number of true conjectures is 5718 (NB: according to the definition of conjecture used in the Amsterdam project, appeal to versional or patristic evidence does not preclude a proposal from being a conjecture, if this evidence is not supported by Greek manuscript attestation). The total number of history records is 17357 (which includes the Urheber records).
The citations, references, and remarks use Unicode. For uncial script a technical solution has been found, which however has some limitations (see e.g. the citation in cj10631).