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Houghton and Myshrall 2023 NovT

Houghton and Myshrall 2023 NovT
31978 31935 31930 31987 31959 30467 32423 31730 30506 30203 31837 30326 31988 31984 31753 32279 30254 31523 20150 32110 ga1978 ga1935 ga1930 ga1987 ga1959 ga467 ga2423 ga1730 ga506 ga203 ga1837 ga326 ga1988 ga1984 ga1753 ga2279 ga254 ga1523 ga0150 ga2110
19/07/23 22:57

H.A.G. Houghton and A.C. Myshrall, "Three Direct Copies and Other Closely Related Manuscripts of the Pauline Epistles," Novum Testamentum 65.3 (2023) 381–399.


As part of work towards the Editio Critica Maior of Galatians, the use of the tools of the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method and the MrBayes phylogenetic software has led to the identification of three Greek New Testament manuscripts which are direct copies (Abschriften) of surviving documents. This article provides the evidence that GA 1930 is a copy of GA 1978, GA 1935 is a copy of GA 1987, and GA 1959 is a copy of GA 467. No conclusive proof has yet been identified to confirm whether or not GA 2423 is a copy of GA 1730, GA 506 is a copy of GA 203, GA 1837 is a copy of GA 326, GA 1988 is a copy of GA 1984, or GA 1753 is a copy of GA 2279. However, it appears that neither GA 254 and GA 1523 nor GA 0150 and GA 2110 are directly related. The conclusion offers further observations on the identification of Abschriften.

Open Access: DOI 10.1163/15685365-BJA10050

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RE: Houghton and Myshrall 2023 NovT
19/07/23 23:39 as a reply to Hugh Houghton.
Thank you, Hugh. This was already added some time ago. Please continue to let us know about other relevant publications.
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