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Versification - MS has different order


I think I had this problem in the past but didn't receive a response back then to an email to Muenster.  (Years ago.)  In 2193, the verses are reversed at 23:13 and 14.  My intuitive solution was to change the versification and present it as it is in the MS.  But I don't know if the computer program can handle that.  Should I instead put the wording for verse 14 into vs 13 and vice versa?  If my explanation isn't clear have a look at it.  It's on folio 61r, moving from the bottom of the first column to the start of the second column.

Thanks for the help.  

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RE: Versification - MS has different order
6/4/22 5:15 PM as a reply to Amy Sue Anderson.

Dear Amy,

Verses are a modern form of reference, but it's best not to reassign the numbers at will. Otherwise, when one comes to compare all witnesses for the text of a particular verse, those with a completely different text would be very confusing.

The way to proceed is to keep the standard verse numbers, but ensure that the sequence of verses on the page follows that of the manuscript (e.g. 11, 12, 14, 13, 15), which would enable the transcript to continue matching the layout of the manuscript.

Hope that helps.





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RE: Versification - MS has different order
6/7/22 6:47 PM as a reply to Hugh Houghton.
Thanks Hugh!  So by keeping the verses in order, I will be changing the order of the content of the verses, correct?  In other words, in a collation this MS will show up as having a different reading, even though it has that reading in the following verse.  I will go ahead and do that, but let me know if you have further advice.
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RE: Versification - MS has different order
6/8/22 10:14 AM as a reply to Amy Sue Anderson.

Dear Amy,

No, that's the opposite of what I thought I said!

You keep the text in the order that it appears in the manuscript, and you put the modern verse numbers before the relevant portion of text.

So, if a manuscript has John 1:4 before 1:3, the transcription should look like this:

1:1 ΒΆ In the beginning was the Word,

and the Word was with God, and the

Word was God. 1:2 He was in the beginning

with God. 1:4 In him was life, and the life

was the light of all people. 1:3 All things

came into being through him, and without

him not one thing came into being that

has come into being. 1:5 The light shines

in the darkness, and the darkness did not

overcome it.


Hope that helps!


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RE: Versification - MS has different order
6/8/22 3:31 PM as a reply to Hugh Houghton.

Ack!  So I did it correctly the first time!  Sigh...

Yesterday, when I "fixed" it to how I thought you instructed, I somehow deleted the entire page.  Hopefully that won't happen again today.  It happens to be a page with a lot of corrections to record.

In any case, thanks for making it clear, Hugh!


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