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30979 index error

30979 index error
11/8/2012 3:03 μμ

I have no idea if this is the right place to post this, but here goes.

A mistake has been made indexing Minuscle 979. "2570 (257)" (indexed Mark 9:41-10:2) is followed by "2580 (259)" (indexed  Mark 10:3-10), which actually contains Mark 9:46-10:2. Also the scan numbers don't match the page numbers (in brackets?) after that.

Just wanterd to let someone know, I hope it can be corrected. Kind regards,

Derk Lindner

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RE: 30979 index error
11/8/2012 5:13 μμ ως απάντηση στο Derk Lindner.

The same applies for 2650-2670

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RE: 30979 index error
12/8/2012 11:19 μμ ως απάντηση στο Derk Lindner.

Derk, thanks for pointing out this problem!  We're working to fix it, and for now I've just made it worse, but will get it corrected.

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RE: 30979 index error
13/8/2012 12:20 πμ ως απάντηση στο Derk Lindner.


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RE: 30979 index error
22/8/2012 5:21 πμ ως απάντηση στο Derk Lindner.

Derk, thanks for your patience, we're still working on this.  The pages that have been indexed individually are fine, and of course you are welcome to continue indexing any page.

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RE: 30979 index error
22/8/2012 11:07 πμ ως απάντηση στο Bruce Morrill.

Hello Bruce!

I'm sorry, but I've got to be just the messenger here. I've finished this manuscript about 2 weeks ago and I'm simply not being paid to do anything else but "kollationieren". You -or anyone else for that matter- could, however, take my transcript and take the information you need out of it. (02_309790_DL on the BSCW-Server)

I hope, this is of any help.

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