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Rev 14:8 Citation of Alef2 / Alef

Rev 14:8 Citation of Alef2 / Alef
04.09.13 11:13
Sinaiticus first hand jumps from ηκολουθησεν λεγων 14:8 to ηκολουθησεν αυτοις λεγων 14:9 (not noted in the apparatus, but this in itself is not a problem). For the omission of επεσεν Alef2 is correctly cited, but since there is no positive apparatus (as for the following omission of η where it is 'clear' that there is no mention of Alef in the positive apparatus and only of Alef2 in the negative), the impression is given that Alef reads επεσεν επεσεν. Admittedly this is only borderline deficient, if at all.
+1 (1 Stimme)

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