Comments and Suggestions for Corrections


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John 1:34

John 1:34
01.03.17 10:57
This is a report that ff2c  is wrongly cited in NA28 (it is cited in support of electus filius but in the digital VL of John it is filius). Hugh Houghton confirms that electus is clearly deleted by an underline (see image attached).
+1 (1 Stimme)

RE: John 1:34
06.03.17 10:00 als Antwort auf Tommy Wasserman.
Dear Tommy,
Thank you for pointing this out!  You (and Hugh) are right.  It looks like a (Beuron 3) is also cited incorrectly in this unit (it does not need parentheses).  These corrections will be carried out in the next printing of the NA28.
+1 (1 Stimme)

RE: John 1:34
06.03.17 10:05 als Antwort auf Greg Paulson.
Yes Greg, I have noted that a should not be cited in parenthesis here.

Further, I have changed my mind concerning P5 which in the IGNTP transcription is reconstructed as eklekto]s. I now think it is too ambiguous to be cited (the unabbreviated hyios fits the space better).
+1 (1 Stimme)

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