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Color Images of GA-1716 found

Color Images of GA-1716 found
15.06.18 23:33

The K-Liste says 1716 is located in Gymnasium, Mytilene, Lesbos, Greece. But a more precise location is the Ecclesiastical Byzantine Museum of Mytilene. In fact they have posted quality color images of the entire manuscript. 

Here is the link to the main page:

Here is a link to the PDF of the images of 1716:

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Color Images of GA-1716 found
18.06.18 12:29 als Antwort auf Darrell Post.
Thanks! I added you informations to the entry.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Color Images of GA-1716 found
18.06.18 15:11 als Antwort auf Jan Graefe.


I have previously posted updates on the whereabouts of 2771 which I found to be at Lambeth Palace, London, UK and 2324 found to be in the collection of Yale University.

The Liste hasn't yet been updated on these two corrections.

Best wishes,


0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Color Images of GA-1716 found
19.06.18 09:39 als Antwort auf Jan Graefe.

The colour images are actually those of GA 1377 (olim Moria, St Basil's Church), for which microfilm images are already available.


Best regards,

Emmanuel Van Elverdinghe

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Color Images of GA-1716 found
19.06.18 10:48 als Antwort auf Emmanuel Van Elverdinghe.

Thank you!

You are right.

Best regards


0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Color Images of GA-1716 found
19.06.18 13:28 als Antwort auf Jan Graefe.
Sorry about my mis-identification. The similar page count, local proximity, and the earlier date the museum put on it threw me off. 
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Color Images of GA-1716 found
25.06.18 09:49 als Antwort auf Darrell Post.

Darrell, thanks for following up about the Lambeth Palace MSS. I've double checked all of your messages now and everything should be updated--I'm just waiting on images of Walters Ms. W. 529 to be uploaded to GA647, then GA2371 will no longer be used.

We really appreciate your notifications. Thank you!

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