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Inconsistent Results in TT_PP

Inconsistent Results in TT_PP
20/12/17 15:41

I am getting inconsistent results in examining pregenealogical coherence in the Gospels. For example, several weeks ago I used default settings to identify manuscript clusters for 01. I received results identical to those in Wasserman and Gurry, New Approach to Textual Criticism, 45: MT-78%; A (87.9), etc. However, this morning I conducted a repeat using the same settings. Agreement with A is no longer given and agreement with the MT is a mere 26.4 %! Does anyone know what is causing this inconsistency?

01, Simple Grouping, Showing Further Relations, Basis: Test Passages of Mt-Mk-Lk

01 - MT 26.4%
1) 03 (65.0% - 197/303)
2) 019 (61.9% - 179/289)
3) 2427 (60.1% - 107/178)
4) 04 (53.6) - 798 (68.1)
5) 892 (51.5) - 493 (56.8)
6) 33 (45.2) - 1001 (65.7)
7) 1342 (44.0) - 493 (76.1)
8) 037 (40.7) - 493 (77.4)
9) 579 (40.1) - 2524 (66.6)
10) 1241 (37.2) - 762 (74.4)
11) 2786 (36.2) - 1176 (82.1)
12) 936 (34.8) - 593 (97.9)
13) 1582 (34.1) - 168 (63.9)
14) 2106 (33.9) - 168 (93.1)
15) 2607 (33.9% - 65/192)
16) 1 (33.7) - 168 (63.2)
17) 372 (33.7) - 593 (87.1)
18) 2136 (33.7) - 1064 (98.5)
19) 2137 (33.7) - 1064 (100.0)
20) 1826 (33.5% - 65/194)
21) 517 (33.2) - 954 (90.2)
22) 535 (33.2) - 593 (98.1)
23) 541 (33.1) - 231 (99.4)
24) 038 (32.9) - 217 (54.3)
25) 2737 (32.7) - 2790 (86.9)


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RE: Inconsistent Results in TT_PP
21/12/17 12:03 as a reply to Charles Leland Quarles.


you chose a different data set, namely the T&T Mss. Clusters. Go to the Parallel Pericopes Mss. Cluster at <> to reproduce the list in Wasserman/Gurry.

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RE: Inconsistent Results in TT_PP
21/12/17 12:51 as a reply to Klaus Wachtel.
Thanks so much for the assistance!
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