June 2018 Liste update

An update to the Liste has been added to the INTF's homepage: http://egora.uni-muenster.de/intf/index_en.shtml. Since the last update, 3 new papyri have been added. Here is a direct link: http://egora.uni-muenster.de/intf/service/kurzgefasste_Liste_Juni_2018.pdf

Liste Supplement

A new supplement for the KurzgefaƟte Liste has been uploaded on the INTF's homepage: http://egora.uni-muenster.de/intf/kurzgefasste_Liste_Feb_2018.pdf

Papyri upto P136, majuscules to 0323, minuscules to 2936, and lectionaries to L2476.

August 18
August 7
Greg Paulson wrote a new blog entry, The Women Behind Your Critical Editions, in INTF.
Documents and Media
Greg Paulson uploaded a new document, W_Katharina.jpg.
Documents and Media
Greg Paulson uploaded a new document, W_Katrin.jpg.
Documents and Media
Greg Paulson uploaded a new document, W_Annette.jpg.
Documents and Media
Greg Paulson uploaded a new document, W_Megan.jpg.
Documents and Media
Greg Paulson uploaded a new document, W_MLL.jpg.
Documents and Media
Greg Paulson uploaded a new document, W_Coptic.jpg.
Documents and Media
Greg Paulson uploaded a new document, W_PatrCitat.jpg.
Documents and Media
Greg Paulson uploaded a new document, W_CBGM_tfg_Prelim.jpg.
Subscribe to Greg Paulson's activities. (Opens New Window)