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Contents of 0320

Contents of 0320
10/8/2015 12:14 μμ
Everything I can find in print on 0320 says that it contains Ephesians 1-2. Yet the ntvmr has folia that I have indexed as 2 Cor and Titus. Are the Ephesians folia (as found in Viktor Schultze, Codex Waldeccensis, 1904) and the 2 Cor / Titus folia all part of 0320? If not, are the 2 Cor / Titus folia part of a different witness altogether?
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RE: Contents of 0320
3/9/2015 2:21 μμ ως απάντηση στο Alan Taylor Farnes.

The Ephesians folia AND the 2 Cor / Titus folia are both part of 0320. We will add the two missing Ephesian folia as soon as possible.


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