Comments and Suggestions for Corrections


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Matt. 10:23 in N

Matt. 10:23 in N
12.10.15 15:00
At Matt. 10:23, (specifically, the variants of αν) N is listed in the apparatus as supporting the NA text. Perhaps it should be listed in the apparatus as (N), and a note added to the appendix: εαν N. The ε is difficult to see and is the last letter of the last line before a column break, with αν continuing at the top of the following column on the same page.


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RE: Matt. 10:23 in N
13.10.15 16:04 als Antwort auf Elijah Hixson.
Dear Elijah,
Thank you for your note. The reading εαν seems to be correct for N (Text and Studies v.5 also has εαν as the reading). Considering (1) that the interchange of αν and εαν occurs frequently in relative clauses, and (2) that the point of the variation unit is to show the substitution for a negative particle or an omission of the particle all together, the editors of the Nestle-Aland will leave N as it is for now.  For the ECM of Matthew, however, this should be noted.
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