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41440 Images Incorrect

41440 Images Incorrect
17.02.24 16:53
Similar misalignment as the previous reports. The image for 1630 (82r) is incorrect (shifing all the subsequent images). The correct image is attached to 1660 (83v).
+1 (1 Stimme)

RE: 41440 Images Incorrect
23.02.24 13:53 als Antwort auf Darryl M Yorimitsu.
Thanks for your notes. I have corrected the misalignments of 30826 and 32400; 41440 will be corrected as soon as possible. 
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: 41440 Images Incorrect
27.02.24 02:18 als Antwort auf marie-luise lakmann.
Thank you, Marie. I appreciate your attention to the fixes.
0 (0 Stimmen)