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13 - Acts 28:13

Acts 28:13 (segment 4)

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Acts 28:13 (segment 4)
03/02/18 17:19

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Split a/b

GC: The attestation of a has a small A-related core accompanied by several incoherencies, while b is supported by a coherent majority with a broad A-related basis.

TP: Variant a may be a nautical term, a short form of τὰς ἀγκύρας περιαιρεῖν (cf. 27:40).[1] The switch to the more common word, περιέρχομαι, can be explained easily by the intrusion of Θ before O, but accidental omission of Θ seems just as likely. The incoherencies in the a attestation are probably due to the latter slip.[2]

There is no further evidence for περιαιρεν in the required sense of cast off or weigh anchor, while περιέρχομαι, on the other hand, does not appear to be an adequate expression for making the journey from Syracuse to Rhegium.[3] In sum, TP does not provide an argument for a that is strong enough to outweigh the weakness of its attestation.


[1]      Cf. Hort (226f).

[2]      This also refers to 2200 with A as third potential ancestor. It is nearly four percentage points closer to its first potential ancestor, 1891, than to A.

[3]      Hort (227) attributes “superficial smoothness” to περιελθόντες, but states that the word does not fit the context. Ropes (251) thinks that neither reading “yields a satisfactory sense”. Metzger (443) accepts περιελόντες as lectio difficilior. Barrett (1229) is skeptical about the required meaning of περιελόντες.

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