
Retrieve transcription of a manuscript.


docIDtrueN/Amanuscript id for which to retrieve a transcript. Can include multiple docIDs separated by a pipe, e.g., 10006 or 20001|20003 for both
gaNumfalsemanuscript ga number for which to retrieve a transcript.P46
pageIDfalsemanuscript page id for which to retrieve a transcript. Can include multiple pageIDs separated by a pipe or comma, ALL for all, or a range10,20|40,1-99999
indexContentfalseindexContent (osisRef) for which to retrieve a transcriptMatt.1.1, Matt.1, Matt, Matt-John
formatfalseteispecify the result format: tei, teiraw, htmlfragment, html[_nohyphen], plaintext, transtext[_nounclear][_nosupplied][_nopunct][_noaccents], wce, chapterimp, download[=filename], txtteiraw
userNamefalsePUBLISHEDretrieve a transcription specifically owned by this user or projectjoe
preferUserfalsedifferent from userName in that if preferUser doesn't have a transcription, then the PUBLISHED transcription will still be returnedernie
versionHashfalseretrieve a previous version of the transcriptioncc8c174d08d844b5d757490f000acea29ef484d7
historyfalsefalseif set to true, retrieve version history for the transcription, instead of the actual transcriptiontrue
allUsersfalsefalseused with 'history'. if set to true, retrieve also latest versions for all userstrue
documentGroupIDfalselist of witnesses which are members of a document group (-1 : all extant)12
baseTextfalsebase text module name to include in the transcription listNA28
fullPagefalsefalseif retrieving by indexContent, whether or not to return full pagestrue
joinPartsfalsefalseif retrieving TEI and part="I" and part="F" exist unnecessarily, join themtrue
briefTEIHeaderfalsefalseif retrieving TEI, don't include full details in the header.true
includeEmptyfalsefalseinclude verse markers where verses are present in the versification, even if no transcription text existstrue
filterNoisefalsefalsewhether or not to filter out diacritics, accents, etc.true



{docID} may not be null-4